Mixed Media Paintings Selected for CFEVA Exhibition
I’m excited to share that three of my new mixed media paintings were selected by The Center for Emerging Visual Artists (CFEVA) for their annual members juried exhibition and online sale. I’m especially pleased because these paintings are part of a new and diverse body of work. Whenever I put new, experimental paintings that differ from my established work out into the world, I’m taking a risk. That’s why I’m so grateful for CFEVA’s show of support.
These experimental paintings culminate at the intersection of line and the events occurring in my life, often personal, sometimes political or social. I work very rapidly, in a stream of consciousness fashion, allowing the work to emerge as the materials speak to me and I respond to each decision, one right after the other. I often reject aspects of the work by quickly painting over errors or gluing patches of paper on to areas that I deem unworthy. Sometimes, cut outs from other artworks become the perfect, collaged patch. After a long series of quick decisions and revisions, the painting reveals itself as something that has been on my mind, and maybe even yours, during the preceding hours and days.
I hope you will visit this well curated exhibition that includes work by so many artists I admire. Please click here to enjoy the online show.
Light Garden, tempera, acrylic, and sharpie on craft paper, 12.5 x 12.5 inches, 2021